Ralleio project “The MED project”, focusing on integrating Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) element Mediterranean Diet in the interdisciplinary teaching practice of three subjects within the framework of Erasmus+ project ROOTS, was selected to be published as good practice by UNESCO in their Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Newsletter of May 2023.
The article, entitled «ASPnet schools in Greece integrate art and culture to promote education for sustainable development», presents the work of three Greek schools which prove that “art and culture can be an impactful vessel for integrating education for sustainable development (ESD) into the classroom”.
We would like to thank Ms Vera Dilari, National ASPnet Coordinator for her encouragement and support.
Link: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/aspnet-schools-greece-integrate-art-and-culture-promote-education-sustainable-development?fbclid=IwAR0K716ErNwOrQ7Jfrov8ku9yBTYJj2ikEDS2th83B8WshcOxYaUvs9HmX4
Ralleio ASPnet Coordinator: Katerina Christodoulou (English teacher)

