Erasmus+KA3: “Teachers4Europe: setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” (T4E), 2018-2021 The project “Teachers4Europe: setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” (T4E) is targeting a lot of challenges in an equal way: using education as the vehicle for the promotion of principles and values comprising the EU democratic culture, which can contribute to better appreciation of the EU as an entity that works at many different levels in favor of all people, irrespective of their identity; the Teachers 4 Europe (T4E) will act as inspiring social and cultural agents that will spread the European values to colleagues, young people and the society. Moreover, they will foster a dialogue with and among relevant stakeholders on a social and policy level and will contribute towards realizing synergies and improving the quality of training and learning through knowledge about Europe and its values, especially in the field of Democratic Culture.
T4E project aims to create a cross-border, sustainable and long-lasting teachers’ network, which will promote social and civic competences of pupils and advocate democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and the ownership of them.
As the education systems become increasingly complex due to globalization, decentralization and digitalization, “T4E” upgraded network will become a tool for better connectivity between all relevant education and community stakeholders within and between different levels of the system so that to achieve better results, more defined educational goals and greater efficiency and quality.