During school year 2019-2020, A’ class Ralleio students participated in the cultural project “French Language and Civilization”.

The basic project theme was verbal and non verbal communication between people and a plethora of activities promoting the French tangible and intangible cultural heritage were implemented in its framework towards the goal of helping students delve into new information and learning experiences. The activities were designed to include all the relevant cultural elements (language, art, education, technology) making use of multiple sources.

The project was intended to serve appropriately the learning needs of A class students leading to language certification exams. Regarding the communicative goal of the project, the activities were designed for students to implement their language knowledge in authentic communicative environments (intercultural approach). The students were able to develop their receptive and productive language skills in French, while boosting their creative expression and inventiveness at the same time.

As scheduled in the framework of the project, students would visit the French Institute in Athens. Unfortunately, the educational visit was cancelled on account of force majeure due to COVID-19. The project however continued online, using synchronous and a-synchronous education platforms during school closure due to the pandemic.

The project was coordinated by the French teacher Ms Maria Psoma.