Our Cultural Project for the school year 2012-2013, Citizens of Europe-Citizens of the World, included three dimensions:.1. Living together in diversity, 2. Citizens-Dialogue-Dialectic and 3. Art as a form of communication and the communication of Citizens.

Our main pedagogical aims were for the students to develop team spirit of acceptance and cooperation with their peers and the teachers, critical thinking skills, designing and organizing procedures, to develop a spirit of dialogue and communication and to participate actively in the steps of organizing and materializing a two-day conference developing practical skills. To this end, we created a wiki platform in order to coordinate the group, to diffuse the working material and process the dimensions of the subject.

We also organized the the 13th Student Conference of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in the Prefecture of Attica, in the facilities of the Ecole Francohell?nique du Pir?e Jeanne d? Arc on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2013. We organized an in-school competition for the design of the conference poster, won by A class student Chryssa Kougioumtzi, prepared and rehearsed the artistic participation of our school and participated in the Visual Art exhibition.

Thirty students from all classes participated in the program which was implemented by a group of teachers, D. Aggelidakis (ICT Teacher), H. Kaneletopoulou and P. Kapelari, (Greek Language Teachers) and coordinated by Katerina Christodoulou (EFL Teacher) .
