On Wednesday 20th March 2024, World Happiness Day, psychologists A. Katsaris and H. Koutsi organized an experiential positive psychology workshop for B’ and C’ class students entitled “What is Happiness?”.
During the workshop, the Positive Psychology PERMA model of wellbeing (Seligman, 2012) was presented. The model is based on research data and posits the five basic elements that offer balance, joy and meaning to life leading to wellbeing and flourishing: positive feelings, commitment, relationships, meaning, achievement.
After the presentation, students enthusiastically participated in the discussion by answering the following questions: What is happiness?, Is happiness up to me?, What is the recipe for happiness?, What is the relationship between happiness and success?, How are my happiness and success in life affected by my self-image and self-potential?, How can I start achieving all the above starting today?

Coordination: Dr N. Zarkadoulas, Director


