In the framework of the National Physical Education Day, Ralleio was proud to organize a series of lectures, activities and matches.
As the day started, Ralleio volleyball team, who reached the semifinals of Peiraias School Championship last year, gave a demonstration match. The match was attended by Mr Akis Chatziantoniou, captain of the National Volleyball Team who also has the highest rate of participation in the Olympic Games and World Championships with the team. Our guest of honor talked to all the students about the benefits of sports, warmed up with the students of our volleyball team and gave them technical advice.
After that, we attended lectures at the school theatre by the following speakers:
Ms Nicol Kyriakopoulou, World Champion in pole vault, who also holds 15 national records, the third world medal and has won IAAF Diamond League series.
Ms Kyriakopoulou talked to the students about her life as an athlete stressing that, although she gave birth four months ago, she still trains for international championships. Ralleio students asked many questions, which led to a very interesting discussion. Ms Marialena Tsoulou, in charge of the volunteers of the Athens Authentic Marathon, and talked about volunteering in the event. Many of the students were interested and registered as Ralleio volunteers for the Athens Authentic Marathon, on the 12th of November 2017.
Coordination: Dimitris Chalvatzaras, Physical Education Teacher