E-Twinning projects are an initiative of the European Commission aimed at supporting e-learning and encouraging the formation of strong bonds between schools from different EU countries. Our school?s first project is called ?Les jeunes en Europe 2? and was launched in 2006. In the year 2007 we worked on a project called ?Les jeunes en Europe s?interessent a la Mediterranee?. In 2008 and 2009 our project, called ?Folklore et traditions?, focused mainly on civilization aspects.
In those projects every national group presents their own cultural outlook and exchanges information regarding their school and their city through power point presentations, joint texts, photographs etc. The primary aim of this collaboration is to establish relations between our school?s students and students from Italian, Belgian, Norwegian and French schools.
The working language of the project is French, which helps the students familiarize with the language by using it outside the standard classroom environment. This project also provides them with the opportunity to:
- experience a virtual voyage
- act as representatives of their country abroad
- get to know other countries
- come in touch with their own cultural heritage as well as that of other nations
- realize that we all form part of a single entity, the European Union
Our project coincided with the ?intercultural year? 2008 as well as the three-year period of 2007, 2008, 2009 which promotes the idea of ?intercultural cities?.
Our project ?Les jeunes en Europe s? interessent a la Mediterranee (Folklore et Traditions)? has been awarded the 2009 e-Twinning Quality Label .
Coordinating Teachers: Kyriaki Mourginaki, Dimitris Aggelidakis
Coordinating Schools |
School: IIS "A. Tilgher" (Italy) Coordinating Teacher: Filomena Garmen
School: Ralleion Geniko Peiramatiko Lykeion Thileon Piraia (Greece) Coordinating Teacher: Kyriaki Mourginaki
School: Hemme Videregaaende Skole (Norway) Coordinating Teacher: Louisse Rennemo |
School: Institut don Bosco Verviers (Belgium) Coordinating Teacher: Andr? Simon |
School: Lyc?e Thierry Maulinier (France) Coordinating Teacher: Anna Maria Casella |
The presentations of the project
Project Awards