The project “EU & the Climate Crisis: The more you know, the more you do”, implemented at Ralleio Lykeio in school year 2020-2021, was presented at the National Dissemination Conference of the European program ERASMUS+ KA3 “Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture” which took place at the University of Piraeus on Monday 29 August 2022. The project was presented by Katerina Christodoulou, EFL teacher, who designed, taught and coordinated all the activities of the project. The hybrid Conference was attended by Teachers4Europe from all over Greece.
The first stage of the project “EU & the Climate Crisis: The more you know, the more you do” was implemented online during COVID school closures in winter 2020-21 and the second stage with physical presence when schools reopened in spring 2021. It is a curricular learning scenario to integrate the EU perspective on Sustainable Development issues in the daily teaching of English as a Foreign Language to Senior Highschool students (aged 17-18) with a view to raising awareness which will lead to voluntary action. Students read, view, compare and analyze authentic multimodal European Union and United Nations texts, reflect, share views, cooperate in groups and take voluntary action in the in-school recycling station, developing not only their English language skills but also exercising 21st century skills and Competences for Democratic Culture in the framework of UNESCO Transformative Learning model. The cross curricular follow up involves learning activities in the subjects of Economics, Biology and Math/Statistics. In line with the concept of Whole-School Approach to Education for Sustainability, all school stakeholders are involved and synergies are developed and disseminated at local, regional and international level.
The European program Erasmus+ KA3 «Teachers4Europe: Setting an Agora for Democratic Culture» (2018-2022), with partner organizations from Cyprus, France, Germany, Malta and Romania is coordinated by the University of Piraeus, by the General Directorate for International and European Affairs, Education for Hellenic Diaspora and Intercultural Education of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and by the Hellenic National Commission for UNESCO. The program aims at creating a cross-border, sustainable and long-lasting teachers’ network, which will promote the social and civic competences of their students and advocate the latter’s ownership of democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding.
Special thanks are in order to the organizing committee of the National Dissemination Conference and particularly to Ms Foteini Asderaki, Scientific Coordinator of the project, Associate Professor at the Department of International & European Studies and to Ms Vera Dilari, National ASPnet Coordinator, for her ongoing support to Ralleio International & European activities and projects.