The second Transnational Meeting of the European program Erasmus+ KA2 Getting Climate Change Ready (CCR) took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 24-25 May 2018. Ralleio participated with the Program Coordinator Ms H. Kaneletopoulou and the members of the Pedagogical Team Ms Psoma and Ms Kakogianni.
Day 1: School coordinators presented the activities that took place in the framework of the program in each school in the school year 2017-18 and their planning for the second school year. In addition to presenting Ralleio activities, Ms Kaneletopoulou also mentioned that our school aims at implementing the Whole School Approach in all its CCR activities thus involving both the school community and the local society especially in activities pertaining to the Pedagogical, the Social/ Organizational and the Environmental/Technical fields. She also added that at Ralleio the implementation of the program is based on a five-step learning model, that is: 1. Evaluation of existing knowledge, 2. Goal setting and success criteria, 3. Strategies and activities, 4. Intellectual products and feedback and 5. Self and peer evaluation as learning tools.
Day 2: Discussions focused on Mobility Tool issues and mobility dates to Spain, Slovenia and Portugal for the 2nd year. Program coordinator Mr Proeger reminded national coordinators of their contributions to the interim report. Regarding the program logo competition, no progress has been made so far as schools are still in the process of voting internally. Finally, Ms Kaneletopoulou referred to the general framework of Learning mobility C3 taking place in Greece in October 2018.
The meeting ended with a sightseeing tour of the city.